
Monday, July 20, 2009

cranial prosthesis

The cancer doctor has put the chemo decision in my lap. He did, however, point me toward some research, by giving me some websites that they use. He also gave me some factors to use in my search. Not only do we consider the stage, type, and group of the cancer (small, invasive, and mean, respectively) but also some biological markers that more specifically define my problem. After following flowcharts and diagrams in three sources, the decision is made for me. I need chemo.

Then I researched the specific chemicals the doctor named, and the side effects to expect. Some of the scary ones I had heard about, like heart and immune system impacts, are not there. The nausea is expected, but they counter that as best as they can with drugs given with the chemicals. Four IV infusions given three weeks apart doesn't sound too bad.

The unavoidable side effect is hair loss. I have a (refillable) prescription for a cranial prosthesis. Yes, that is doctor-speak for a wig. Why use one syllable when you can bill for six? Small price to pay, though. Hair grows back, and life goes on.


Susan said...

This does not sound anything like fun to me, but it does sound like something to consider, and you have done the research to help in the decision. I will be interested to see what flavor Craniel Prosthesis you select -- bright green? Purple? Just nothing boring, OK?

I don't say this often enough ... I love you very much.

CarolBe said...

No one promised fun.

Ket said...

I hadn't been keeping up! I'm so sorry but ever so glad that you caught it early. You're now front and center in my prayers! BTW, my hair dresser's best friend went through the hair loss with chemo. What he did for her was to spend a couple of days with her. First, they went wig shopping. Then, he spent another day with her cutting and styling her hair shorter and shorter throughout the day till they shaved it all off. Last, but not least, on went the wig, and he tweaked it to make it hers. I thought it was a great idea. Do you know any good hairdressers?

CarolBe said...

Yes, and that's a good idea. I was sort of thinking about a new identity, though. Maybe a Farah memorial?

gator guy said...

I believe you have made a wise and logical decision when you elect to benefit from each and every possible procedure that can help, even in the slightest manner.

Paraphrased, I guess this means leave no rock unturned and no card unplayed.

You know that we wish you the very best possible result.

Susan said...

If you do the "Ket" thing, going shorter and shorter, a properly tweaked wig, etc., how about pictures of the process, including the New View of You.