
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bird wisdom

You know, this old pelican sitting on a log looks wise, comfortable, and content. This is the image I want for myself. I thought that by the time I got to be 74 I would have more answers instead of more questions. I wanted to project an air of quiet dignity, wisdom, and patience. Well, it ain't happened yet.

We used to say that nobody knows more than a college sophomore. Our parents were idiots, we just knew better than anybody about anything. Maybe that was true, because I've never been so sure of anything since.

If I can't get the wisdom of an old bird on a log, could we find leaders who have it? I'm hearing too much mudslinging, name-calling snarkiness from the folks who want my vote. Calling your opponents weasels, traitors or shits doesn't make you more attractive, Mr. Politician. If you want my vote, act like a grown-up.

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