Nice to have time to read the whole paper.
The Scott Peterson jury is confused. In the absence of any physical evidence, the legislature decided to let the prosecutors substitute hearsay, as in things his ex-wives said to other people. Not all ex-wives, just those who survived marriage to him.
The Nite Moves lap dancing and strip joint in Albany, New York, is appealing a decision denying them a tax exemption on admission fees under the dramatic or musical performance loophole. Might work.
The Secret Service is investigating a break-in at Mitt Romney’s accounting office. Missing are copies of Romney’s tax returns. the burglar wants $1 million to keep them hidden. Great idea, guys!
Vladimir Putin will wear a fake beak while piloting a hang-glider to lead a group of Siberian cranes on their migration path. Might work.
And, from Time magazine, quoting Obama, taxes are lower than any time since Dwight Eisenhower. Mine aren’t, but I was just a kid then.
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