
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lighten Up!

Why is everyone angry? I don't watch much TV, but I do read papers and magazines. It's not just politicians. Have you read the Letters to the Editor out loud at the breakfast table? You can just picture the spittle flying as they type those letters.

I have read articles explaining this national mood. People are worried about jobs, insurance, socialism, yadayada. That doesn't do it. People have always had stuff to worry about, but worrying alone does not produce anger. I've been turned down for jobs because of my gender, my age, or being too early or too late. So did everyone I know. Those things are frustrating, but they go away when you go to plan B.

Maybe too many people are angry because they hang out with angry people, or listen tao them on the radio or TV, or just think it's expected.  Lighten up, people. Negative vibes make you get all frowny faced and you get ugly wrinkles. Banish those angry people from your lives. Block their gloomy e-mails.  Run from them at the grocery store.

Find the happy souls, gather them around you and smile with them. Smile at your dog. Go to the park or the beach and throw a frisbee around. Listen to music instead of the news. Get a jar of bubble stuff, stick the little wand in and fill your neighborhood with bubbles. Eat more popsicles. Get a double one and feed half to the dog. Smiling is contagious.

1 comment:

Tom Murren said...

Carol.....once again, you are a FONT of wisdom.....I couldn't agree with you more.