
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

new hip

Two weeks in the hospital and another two in rehab was like a trip to a
distant planet. It wasn't truly a nursing home, because most of the inmates
were there for therapy following a fall or surgery or both, but they still
made me think of Tim Conway. We had rules, and schedules, and two hours of
therapy morning and afternoon, and if you didn't clean your plate you had to
answer to Nurse Ratchid. Many of the patients and all of the doors had
alarms, which went off constantly. These were not little bells, but more
like smoke detectors. The nurses would have to shout up and down the halls
to be heard. I'm used to being bathed and pottied by nurses of either
gender, (or neither, I suspected.) My roommate accused me of stealing her
teeth. These are just a few of the reasons why I'm SO HAPPY to be home with
my family. I'm on a walker, which our blind dog thinks is like chairs gone
wild. We're having beautiful weather, and I'm going to spend as much time as
possible out in it. But first, lunch. I'm craving crunchy food!


Lazara said...

Hi Carol. I feel like the world's worst daughter-in-law. We actually had a card picked out and signed. Doug forgot to take it. Now I've lost the card. Anyway, it says we hope you are getting well, but it says it in a really cute way!

Back at work after being sick with the flu last week. So thankful I did not have alarms ringing at all hours, a roomate accusing me of stealing her teeth, and yucky food!

I am so glad you are home, and that Doug was able to visit. He really got an eye-opener as far as what your daily life is like. And we thought teenagers were tough! In the process of figuring just how poor we will be next year when they go off to college ...

We are praying that the surgery did it's trick, and that you will be outrunning us all very soon.



Jason said...

So glad you're back home! I'll give you a call this weekend, and throw away the rehab phone number so I don't accidentally call some random future patient. By the way, what did you do with the teeth?
