
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Call Me Simple

The Sunday morning talk shows are still arguing whether taxing the wealthy is punishing the "job creators." Put an end to that issue by giving tax breaks to the job creators, whether they are wealthy or not. If they create unnecessary jobs to qualify, their businesses will suffer or fail. Incentive to act smart. I guess I think in such simple terms I don't understand the problem.

What sticks in my craw is the idea of giving tax breaks to the corporate executives who steal from the shareholders to finance their own extravagant lifestyles. Examples abound, from Enron to the financial institutions. Million dollar bonuses are being handed out to executives whose companies lose millions. The only jobs created are for makers of gold plumbing fixtures and teak decks for the yachts.

1 comment:

mabry said...

They aren't job creators; that's not how things work.